salar rismantab

Hey, I'm Salar.

I enjoy brainstorming ideas, and I've launched several startups. One challenge I faced was the need for a website to showcase my product. However, creating a website, including design and scalability factors, took up much of my time. That's when I started developing Landix as a solo developer.

  • Mission Progress 1.3%
  • Community Of 100+
  • Launched In 2023

So I'm here to create handsome
templates specifically for your startups


I can build it myself, why should I buy it?

True. While you're building it, others are launching theirs.

What makes Landix's templates unique compared to others?

Landix's templates are specially designed for startups and businesses, offering professional design and a user-friendly interface.

How long does it really take to set up?

If I want to be honest with you, it'll take less than a few hours.

I have another question

contact me by email at

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